Register a Child

Call our Preschool Director, Laural Crawford at 838-8918 to inquire about any current openings.

Registration for the 2022-2023 school year is now open. To register fill out the form below, submit it and then send a check for the $60 registration fee (Non-Refundable) to Christ United Methodist Preschool.

2022-2023 Program Guide

Make check payable to Christ United Methodist Preschool

Send Check to:
Christ United Methodist Preschool  
2615 West 32nd Street Erie, PA  16506

Enrollment is on a “first-come, first-serve” basis. To ensure that your class is available for your child, please register early. Please mark your 1st and 2nd choice for which class you would like to enroll your child.
Please list full Name and Relationship (Example: Jane Doe – Mom)
If yes, please speak with the director.
The first time your child is picked up by a new person, we will check the Driver’s License in order to verify the identity. If the Adult is included in the list above, your child will be released to the Adult. If the Adult is not listed above, then your child will NOT be released to the Adult. If you know ahead of time that an Adult, who is not listed above, will be picking up your child, you MUST provide a written note to your child’s teacher. If this is a “last minute” change, you MUST call the office and speak to the Director personally. Any Adult not listed, will be asked to provide their Driver’s License to be copied, and sign a form which states that your child is being released to him/her, once we verify permission from the parents. Please read the extended policy in your child’s handbook which you will receive on Parent Night. For the safety of ALL students we will strictly follow this policy.